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Author: Michelle Lyng, CEO & Founder, Novitas Communications

Today, the public’s trust in institutional leadership is at an all-time low, so the public is looking for new guideposts in leadership in our society. That’s where you come in.

Trust in experts by virtue of position is no longer enough today and, really, thought leadership is just corporate speak for being an expert in something. We all gravitate towards experts – it’s true. We like watching Bills Quarterback and MVP Josh Allen because he’s an expert (and also because he is sometimes a bit unpredictable).

Beyond an expert in a specific topic or field, what else is a thought leader? It’s someone who has a unique and, typically, forward thinking point of view. It might be someone who is particularly interesting to listen to because they’re an excellent storyteller or because they own or work at an interesting company. Some people suggest that thought leaders must profit from being a foremost expert – note, that doesn’t necessarily mean monetarily, just that they derive a benefit from their expertise.

Another important element of being a thought leaders is being able to exert influence. If an expert speaks and nobody is there to hear it, are they really a “thought leader”? Unlikely. Being a successful thought leader might also be about getting others to think differently about what you are an expert in.

Now that we’ve established that being a thought leader is important, how does one go about being a thought leader? Below are a few ways to become a thought leader:

  • Become an expert in a topic.
  • Adopt a unique point of view about something that deeply interests you.
  • Build an audience – start small, consider starting on social media.
  • Seize unique opportunities to gain exposure.
  • Seek speaking opportunities and awards.
  • Publish frequently.
  • Seek third-party validation. It’s one thing to claim to be an expert. It’s a level up for someone else to call you an expert.

Keep in mind, being a thought leader isn’t about feeling important. There is a legitimate business case for business leaders to embark on a thought leadership endeavor. Not only does being considered a leader help establish credibility, build trust among stakeholders, and shape the narrative around your industry, but it also allows you to increase visibility, engagement and opportunities for advancement. All of these components lead to greater opportunities for your business and, ultimately, yourself.

Confidence in traditional authority figures is at bottom barrel – media, government, etc. People are looking for nontraditional authority figures. That figure could be you.

Contact us to get started today on a thought leadership program.

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