Case Study: Emergency Air Medical Service


Note: Due to client confidentiality, we are unable to disclose the client’s name and specific details of the project.


A national leading air medical service with bases across the country was facing a shortage of pilots, flight paramedics, and flight nurses, specifically at their bases located in rural areas.

Millions of Americans live in communities without a hospital or emergency room nearby and must travel long distances to get care, leading to delays in receiving treatment. These communities rely on emergency air medical services to help people suffering a heart attack, stroke, or another life-threatening health emergency who may need to be transported to a more specialized facility, like a cardiac or stroke clinic, which is better equipped to treat their condition.

Staffing the air medical base operations in these rural areas with qualified pilots, flight paramedics, and flight nurses is incredibly difficult due to their location and lack of opportunities for candidate families. The client needed to develop a marketing plan to recruit qualified candidates and share the benefits of this unique opportunity, despite the challenging location.


The team conducted a survey of current employees to understand not only why they chose this profession, but why they chose this air medical service provider. The goal was to identify common traits shared among current employees that were also desired in potential candidates, as well as to determine what messaging would resonate with potential candidates.

The team also developed target audiences based on the air medical base locations that had the greatest need, as well as competitor base locations, and nearby hospitals. Additionally, the team developed audiences based on interests (emergency medicine, healthcare, aviation, etc.) and professional affiliations and associations to further expand the potential candidate pool.

The team then developed key messages and paired that with eye-catching imagery to create dynamic social media ads and profile posts, as well as programmatic digital ads that were served to the target audiences.


The campaign was successful, and the number of potential candidate applications increased. The air medical service began to significantly reduce its number of open positions at the targeted rural bases.

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If you have an urgent crisis and would like to reach our crisis response team, please call our office at (202) 380-7114. Otherwise, reach out for more information on how we can help your organization achieve its goals.





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